What’s your booking availability?

Before reaching out, please read this page to understand my booking process and availability And please note that I am not currently booking 2025.

Will you give us film photos?

For family sessions and for weddings, I always shoot & include film along with digital. For other jobs, I can include film photography as an add-on upon request.

Do you have an instagram?

Yes I do! I just made it (october 2023). I’m not sure how often I’ll update it, but here it is. To be kept in the loop on my life & artistic endeavors, follow along on my personal blog here.

How long have you been a photographer?

I’m in my 11th year :)

How’d you learn?

Through repetition. I’m still learning and forever refining my style to support my taste and artistic progression. In 2022, I shared a bit more about this here.